Monday, February 24, 2014

Oracle Fusion Middleware Naming Conventions


Local Application-Related Account Standards

The local account naming syntax incorporates information about the account, application, and type of environment.





: 3 characters

E.g.:  soa - SOA / integration application:

E.g.:   obi -  a BI / reporting application

E.g.:   oid -  an OID (Oracle LDAP)  application


< account type>: 5 characters


    User: user

    Group: group


E.g.:  soauser is the user account for SOA environment

            Oiduser is the user account for Oracle Identity Environment.       

Note: All user accounts should be local and should have sudo privilege to execute command as root.


Goup Name Standards

The primary group name of a local account named following the previous suggested naming standards, it should be:

E.g.:  soagroup – primary group name of user account soauser


Note: All group names should be local.



Each server will come with a dedicated storage which is represented by a mounted volume name.

This volume is mounted under /apps/oracle.


Oracle Home Naming Standard


:   <=  7 characters

Standard component names:




E.g.:  /apps/oracle/product/fmw/soa



During Installation of Oracle Software , specify /apps/oracle as the oraInventory directory.


Application Instance Naming Standard

These names are usually setup during the application installation process. The names are visible in Enterprise Manager / Administration Tools type of software like Oracle Grid Control for instance and appended with the FQDN of host.


: 7 characters


Provides description of the application components installed.


E.g.: soa, owsm, intgtwy, extgtwy



: 1 character (number)


E.g.: soa1, owsm1

                   (First instance of the component in an Oracle Application Cluster)



J2EE Instance Naming Standard

Following the best practices when we deploy new applications in OC4J containers we need to create new OC4Js.


: <= 5 characters

Example:  oc4j_soa, oc4j_esbdt



BPEL Domains Naming Standard

The BPEL domain name should have a prefix that has the business process name and NOT the Project Name given for a particular business process.


: <= 5 characters

Example:  mdm_product, mdm_customer


Note: The BPEL domain should only have “Lower case letters” and should NOT contain Upper case or mixed case for domain names. As this will cause errors, when you try to restrict the domain access based on the project/ user access for particular domains.



ESB System Naming Standard


The ESB System name should adequately reflect the Business Process name or the Application component type. There are no additional restrictions on the service group that are under the ESB System.




: <= 5 characters

Example:  AIASystem, BPELSystem

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